What we do

Eremeran acknowledges the vital role women play in shaping individual characters, relationships, environment and culture, both in the home and workplace. We aim to support women in facing their unique challenges and needs through a variety of means.

Personal Guidance

Eremeran has a wide network of Christian women from various backgrounds and situations with whom you can share experiences and seek advice on various topics: marriage, parenting, work-life balance, and more.

Monthly Recollections

A mini-retreat that provides an opportunity to renew your relationship with God, review your life over the past month, and make firm resolutions for the coming month. The recollection includes guided prayer, a short presentation on an aspect of the Christian life and an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confession.

Spiritual Direction

Priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei are regularly available to offer spiritual support and advice to help you develop your personal relationship with God.


A time for a ‘getaway’, a break from the craziness of everyday life, motherhood, work, etc.; to reflect and recenter our lives on God, and deepen our relationship with Him. To learn more about spiritual retreats please visit: opusdei.org/en-us/article/what-is-a-spiritual-retreat

Women's Noticeboard

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